Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Video

Supermariokyle100's 14th Model showcase has come out! (Plus he made Connor the Brash Double X, as seen in the above image).

This Video Was Created By supermariokyle100.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Look At All This Stuff!

This is probably one of my biggest posts.

First off, JD41796's 17th Model Showcase, which was mentioned previously in earlier post, has been blocked in several countries because of SME and WMG. No surprise.  

Of course, those two entities decided to wait three weeks or so to limit the playback areas of the video for some unknown reason. This is my message to those two groups: Just quit. 

And as for other news, SacredWolfie's brand new Harvey model is coming along very nicely (The reason I've said brand new is because in 2008 he made one that can be seen on his now defunct blog.) 

It can also be seen on the long-since defunct model rail fan site with people as HenryBlue, Dan, Knuckles, Simon Martin, Tom, and others as the moderators.)

Okay, I know what you're expecting now. The featured video. Well, you're not gettin' it! (Just kidding, you'll get one.)

I know this might be a tad old, but I really had nothing much else to show. (By the way, I am fully aware that I said I wouldn't accept requests from others for featured videos. Well, I lied. You can send requests for the featured video, but just don't request your own, as that gives me a feeling that you may be an attention whore.) Anyways, the video is by a rather popular user who hails from Japan. His Flying Scotsman model was amazing, and this engine has been featured in the background, and now it's finally been revealed.

This Video Was Created by BJ52813.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Neil And Jesse's First Collaboration Music Video!

10LEIGH10 and JD41796 have made a music video together! Like how I made one with JD41796 (which can be viewed here.)

Also, supermariokyle100 and I are working on a music video too (as soon as he sends me the clips...)

I'm Not Late Yet!

I cannot tell you how close I was to almost skipping the featured video due to my absentmindedness. Now, the issue between me and JD41796 was resolved so we won't say anymore about it. So here's the featured video.

If you guys have been around my channel here and there, you probably might remember Benfan29. He's a relatively new user, since he joined YouTube mid-summer of 2011, and is just beginning modeling work and video making. But for a beginner, he really has shown he can do pretty decent modeling work (certainly better than michaelandluke1 and EddieS0401 by a landslide.) This video was created solely because, well, it was his 100th video. And I have to say, it's not that bad. Go check it out, it's definitely worth watching.


This video was created by Benfan29.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dan's First Models Of 2012

The Thomas Modeling king, Daniel Snell, or SacredWolfie as he is now known, has worked on his first two model projects for this year. They are not yet done, they just need numbers added and some touch-ups here and there. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

A rather popular user on YouTube has now joined DeviantArt and the sprite community!
If you don't know who I'm talking about, Nictrain123, who runs Sodor Railroading Builders along with TheHunsletWD060ST, has now joined! And from what we've seen so far, he's contributed a lot and done a very good job with his sprite work!

Thanks to TheHunsletWD060ST for the alert.