Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm Not Late Yet!

I cannot tell you how close I was to almost skipping the featured video due to my absentmindedness. Now, the issue between me and JD41796 was resolved so we won't say anymore about it. So here's the featured video.

If you guys have been around my channel here and there, you probably might remember Benfan29. He's a relatively new user, since he joined YouTube mid-summer of 2011, and is just beginning modeling work and video making. But for a beginner, he really has shown he can do pretty decent modeling work (certainly better than michaelandluke1 and EddieS0401 by a landslide.) This video was created solely because, well, it was his 100th video. And I have to say, it's not that bad. Go check it out, it's definitely worth watching.


This video was created by Benfan29.

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